Info on *.WPI archives
(too old to reply)
2017-06-16 16:06:54 UTC
My basic question: Can I install a newer "gcc4core-1_3_1.wpi" OVER
the older "gcc4core-1_3_0.wpi" or does there need to be a an
"uninstall" THEN "install?"

What is the "rule" for this in *.wpi archives?

Andreas Schnellbacher
2017-06-16 17:06:59 UTC
(F'up set to c.o.o.misc.)
My basic question: Can I install a newer "gcc4core-1_3_1.wpi" OVER
the older "gcc4core-1_3_0.wpi" or does there need to be a an
"uninstall" THEN "install?"
What is the "rule" for this in *.wpi archives?
There can't exist a rule. WarpIN doesn't have a standard mechanism to
handle archive replacements. In some seldom cases (e.g. in NEPMD) the
script part of the installation includes a REXX macro that handles
updates. That REXX macro has to be configured manually for each
version by the package writer.

Therefore it's more recommendable to switch to RPM in your case.

A safe way is to always uninstall an old package before installing a
newer one. WarpIN in its current version can't do uninstallations
(via wic.exe) automatically. Actually the only way to achieve that
is a complicated method that Christian Langanke has decribed in has
presentation for WSE 2009
Andreas Schnellbacher
Paul Ratcliffe
2017-06-17 14:46:19 UTC
Post by PaulRS
My basic question: Can I install a newer "gcc4core-1_3_1.wpi" OVER
the older "gcc4core-1_3_0.wpi"
Generally "yes". You'd certainly expect to be able to do so
for a minor version number change.
But some people are weird and do massive changes with nothing
to indicate such in the number.
Post by PaulRS
or does there need to be a an "uninstall" THEN "install?"
An uninstall/reinstall is always going to work but then you
might lose things you had subsequently set up e.g. shadows of
objects created by the package.
Post by PaulRS
What is the "rule" for this in *.wpi archives?
There isn't a "rule". It depends on what the packager author
2017-06-19 18:07:40 UTC
A General Thankyou!
Thanks to the anwers I just received
Thanks to those who tireless work on Foxfire for OS2
Thanks to those who keep up other OS2 stuff

I sucessfull installed Firefox 45 up from 31.8 using the info
supplied here and on the OS2 Mozilla page. From previous
installations I had to "neutralize" 8 earlier repeat files from
\ecs\dll. I have now made MOZSUPPORT a directory in the root
directory and put it in the LIBPATH (with its subs) This seems to
work well and may be helpful for future upgrades and searching out
repeat files. I did an uninstall-install on the GCC4 core.wpi library
as advised.

For those advising the *.rpm solution . . . I have worked with
OpenSuSe and the main issues is FINDING all the dependencies - I hope
OS2 development in this direction will put all dependencies in the
same spot and possibly be downloadable to ones own LOCAL repository
for reinstalls, etc as time goes by.

Again, Thanks to all!

Dave Yeo
2017-06-21 05:14:22 UTC
Post by PaulRS
For those advising the *.rpm solution . . . I have worked with
OpenSuSe and the main issues is FINDING all the dependencies - I hope
OS2 development in this direction will put all dependencies in the
same spot and possibly be downloadable to ones own LOCAL repository
for reinstalls, etc as time goes by.
So far there are only the netlabs and arcanoae repositories. They're
co-ordinated and the arcanoae one is pretty empty for now.
Personally, having a crappy connection, I wget most packages and put
them in my local repository
